Daily Archives: November 28, 2014

Charitable donations?

Ok, so i get folks every year who say things like – oh, and don’t forget to put me down for the standard $500 charitable donation on my taxes.  Of course i ask the obvious question: so, who did you give what to?  their response: well, i don’t know, Goodwill […]

ID Theft and the IRS

Believe it or not, the IRS is very concerned about identity theft and how it relates to taxpayers (yes, that’s all of us).  They’ve even published some tips to help individuals avoid being victims of ID theft here. Among their tips: Don’t carry your Social Security card or any documents […]

Tax Professionals?

Does your tax professional work as hard as you do? Here’s something one of my clients asked me the other day:  Why are you the only tax office that’s open in November?  I thought for a moment and then said; “gosh, I don’t know, maybe I’m the only one who actually cares […]